**This story deals with heavy, dark themes. You've been warned; I want no hate in the comments or reports on my story.**

 **This book is strictly 18+ as it deals with dark themes and heavy sexual content!**

 **I'm in my writing slump as I'm writing this story, so please ignore any mistakes or plot holes. (There won't be any; I'll try my best.)**

**This book will introduce a unique Mafiaverse, complete with its own set of rules crafted specifically for the story.**

 **You might get confused in the first half of the story, but trust me, eventually everything will make sense. So be patient, sweethearts. 🖤**

 **Most of the chapters are long asf. But details matter!!**

 **This story is a complete standalone. But yet, I'm going to leave some room for other characters in case I change my mind, which is impossible.**

 **I will let the story be on Wattpad, but my old readers already know that my other book, “ATOF” is going through rewriting and will be published on Kindle and in the form of physical copies. Hopefully soon. 🤞🏻

(Don't take this as a sign to read ATOF now! Because there are going to be changes in the new ATOF)**

 **Though this story is about a completely different couple, the universe this story is set in is the Night Assassins series. Based in Maxion City, there will be cameos of Cade, Damien, Zaria, and baby Clyden ;)**

 **And one of the most important things is that the dark themes in the story are based on real-life crimes. (Not on any specific person), so please, kindly, don't compare my work with other books. I understand that you'll find similarities because those authors, too, are talking about real-life human depravity. But only a writer knows how much blood and sweat we give to bring the characters and their story to life. Please, babies, don't compare. 🖤

 You can talk about your favorite characters from other books, of course. Just don't compare.**

 **Thank you for choosing this story. I hope you enjoy it.**

 Don't forget to check out the TWs on your way. Xoxo.

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