Ch. 1 || Mistake

If you skipped the trigger warnings list, you must go back and read it now 🔪

Sadness, happiness, fear, anger, surprise and disgust. The six basic emotions of a human. There ain't an emotion that combines these emotions into one. But have you ever heard of heart? Not the beating organ inside your chest. But the fragile heart that beholds no universal law. Breaking all the rules that science trumpeted regarding the stupid homosapiens. May science believe what it wants to, but it can't fool the passionate.

The heart you call fragile, can unify the six basic emotions of a human. And the outcome of such a union is a small four letter word– love. But Love comes with a series of revelations and hardships, not with resplendent rainbows. Not always.

Because, in this moment, Raven Frost is a whirlwind of four of the said six emotions that dawns on her altogether- sadness, anger, surprise and disgust, they stir up her stomach, and consume every bit of her being as she watches a beautiful, beautiful girl straddling her boyfriend’s lap.

Felix has comfortably lounged himself into the couch in the sitting area of the club alcove. The club is dark, but the blue ambiance allows just enough for her to see the invasive exchange between the two of them. He is so lost in his reverie that he doesn't notice Raven standing at the footsteps, with tears in her eyes as she watches the redhead rubbing her curves over his body.

After rubbing herself all over him, her body seductively moves, undulating, full of allure and effortless dance like a snake’s trail as she drops low, sitting on her knees between his legs.

That's when Felix’s gaze befalls on Raven. Her body is shaking and waves of bitter acid washes over her flesh as their eyes lock. She expected him to react, to see the realization or regret register in his eyes but Raven is proved wrong.

He remains un-flinched, unbothered. If anything, there is amusement mottling his cheeks. Merriment clogs his senses like a cloud of euphoria blooming and alive in his mind as the girl plays with the waist belt of his dark jeans. Because of the darkness, Raven couldn't see what made the girl lick her dry lips as she stared down between his legs but it was pretty obvious to her what the girl was staring at as she caressed his hard length up and down over the cloth material.

Felix's eyes did not stop burning on Raven's skin. He was watching her. Her reactions– possibly her heart break.

A jostle of a figure against Raven made her stumble, shaking her out of her trance. The guffaw group of female interrupters mummer ‘sorry’ and walk away. It’s then she becomes aware of the sharp pain where her nails dug into her skin.

The drums, the electronic music, pulsating rhythms and the sound of people dancing and shouting, everything comes in a blast at Raven that she finally registers the dilemma she is in. She looked around in bewilderment and her gaze fell upon Felix once again.

The redhead has unbuckled his belt entirely and begins to pepper kisses over his shaft through the jeans. And Felix continues to stare at Raven, licking his bottom lip. His eyes filled with desires and lust. And it continues to bloom.

Her cheeks drown in the dampness of her own tears. Her heart has been shattered. Raven decides she has had enough. Shaking her head in disbelief, she turns back on her heels. Pushing herself through the crowd as sobs broke through her throat. Nothing around her made sense anymore, the only thing she knew was that she wanted to go far, far away from here. Far away from him.

Her first day at Shadowvale University has ended up with a disastrous night. Since the day of her acceptance at the second most Elite and prestigious University of the United States, she had been amped up to come here. But now, the rest of her days here will be anything but exciting. She had sensed a change in her boyfriend lately, she couldn't grasp her mind on what exactly it was that she was afraid of. Even this morning, when she had attended her first day at classes, Felix wasn't as ecstatic as she had expected him to be for her. He hadn't been ever since she showed up at the campus.

Now she knows why. She knows the fear that had been coming to her in the form of intuitions. She wants to cry over the fool she had made of herself when she had dressed a little exotic for the night, hoping to spend a good night with her boyfriend. Celebrate her new journey, her fresh start at Shadowvale. All the plans she had made. To add up a little extra spice in their sex life. She felt stupid about all the things the Raven from a half an hour ago had thought of. The girl she is now, is embarrassed. Utterly and truly embarrassed.

Felix has been in her life for as long as she remembers. Her best friend who had eventually become her lover last year. All the promises he had made to her, all the lovey-dovey talk, all of it was his manipulation and manipulation only.

God, her trust is betrayed.

She keeps her pace fast to tread through the waltzing crowd. When she makes her way out and about to pass the club bar, a sharp hand grabs her right arm and yanks her to the side, pushing her against a wall on the corner of the room. Her breathing hitches, as she stares up at the man.

“Where are you going, Rave?” Felix shouts over the loud electric beats of the punk music.

“Get off me.” Raven cries, her body fighting against his hold to set herself free. But he is bigger than her, both in age and size.

“Look me in the eyes.”

Her eyes wavers as she reluctantly seals her forest green orbs into his chestnuts. “Why did you cheat on me?” Her voice almost shakes, but thanks to the cacophony of music and humans, her slight tremble was unheeded by him.

“Cheat?” He arches his eyebrows. The strands of his honey brown hair are doused with sweat, and it reminds her again just how exhilarating he had been tonight.

“If you count that as cheating, I don't know what I can do to convince you otherwise.” He licks his bottom lip. “Look, I didn't even touch that redhead. And I wasn't even planning on doing anything with her at all. I knew you were coming, I just wanted to see what you'd do if I ever actually cheat on you.” He laughs a deep chuckle.

Raven's eyes scan his face, the anger filling her veins and her nostrils flaring as she stares dead into Felix’s eyes.

“You really want to see what I'd do?” Her question came more like a challenge than a question. Felix's eyes bob in confusion.

Anger takes over Raven as she removes one of the sharp bobby pins from her hair and without giving him the time to sink in the realization, she stabs the sharp ends on his manhood through the little gap between the two bodies.

She didn't really aim for it, but hell she was sure the mission was accomplished.

The gut deep, piercing roar of his confirmed it. Felix recoils backwards, his hands between his legs on instinct.

“Fucking twat! What is wrong with you?” Felix groans loud at her.

“How could you even entertain the thought of another female all over you when you already have a fucking girl. It may not count as cheating, but it indeed is. Emotional cheating fucking dumbass. You breached our trust and bond. You allowed that to happen. You allowed a girl to get all over you as I watched. We're over.” Raven exclaims over her heartache.

She swiftly pivots around and prowls into whatever direction her feet take her. Hastily running here and there, right and left as if she has lost her senses. Just like how in dreams, you are chased by a monster and you are running away using all your will. But no matter how hard you try to run, you feel stuck in the place and the monster is getting closer and closer. Darkness reeks around you, and you don't have any idea where you are going. You just keep running and running.

Raven’s brain spiraled with the sweet memories of her boyfriend, his words, and her dreams. Everything morphed into a big giant monster inside her head and all she wants is to get away from the behemoth of memories chasing her down.

She keeps sprinting cluelessly in the dark hallways of the club building, turning left and right. After god knows how many turns here and there, she comes to halt in a patio veranda that leads to the back entrance of the club. The brisk air of night whispers on her bare skin as she catches her breath. She had left her warm jacket in the car, and the tight green mini skirt and matching long sleeved cropped blouse, barely gives any comfort against the chills.

With a heavy intake of breath, she sags against a dark paneled wall and wipes her tears with her palm. But the more she wiped, the more they fell like an endless spiral. Her lips stretched across as she cried, and a slight slit formed in the middle of her bottom lip, due to dehydration and the tight pull of the tissue as she cried. She felt a bead of blood coming out, but she didn't care. She continues crying.

They were right about the rule to never make your best friend your lover. If your passion is over, so is your friendship. The cheating did stung like a bitch, but the most heart wrecking part was to lose the partner, to see him break her trust like it was nothing.

She had known his deepest secrets, and he had known what makes her happy. She had known his tears, and he had known her smile. Now that she thinks about it, she realizes he had never truly known her.

Raven was the only one who had been fiercely passionate in their relationship. She had searched for the thing he held deep in his heart. While he had only bothered to know what her smile feels like. Or what she liked about him.

Raven’s world had revolved around him but he had never truly bothered to know her. Know her soul, know her heart. Only the surface parts of her what he had grasped upon.

Guess, everything happens for good. She now knows he holds no respect for her. It was better finding out now than finding his dick buried in someone's vagina while she had laid her soul bare open for him.

But it still hurts nonetheless.

“Spill everything you know about her.” A deep, sonorous masculine voice, soaked in a thick Italian accent caught her attention. A distinct voice that echoes down the patio veranda.

It came from the outside, where the back entrance leads to a designated garden-like place– that's what she makes out in the dark, seeing past the enormous open exit.

“I-I truly don't have any idea. I already told you everything I know. She owed me debt, that's why I've been chasing after her. And the last time I saw her was five months ago when the bitch finally paid me back in full.” Another male voice, thick with a British accent hushed. His voice was throaty, as if an old man.

Raven's heartbeat took up a notch. She had this intuition that she's not at the right place. Obviously she is trespassing on someone’s property, but this really feels like the last place she ought to be. Holding her breath, she moves forward to turn around and walk away from where she came.

“So Cordelia Frost just decides to wake up out of her poverty and pay your debt worth a million in full?” The same man with an Italian accent skeptically raises a question.

Cordelia Frost.

The name freezes Raven's feet on the spot. Despite the waves of cold breeze and open space, she was lacking oxygen. Her body ventures into alert mode. Her heart’s beat was like a screech against her ears as she takes a last minute decision and turns around in the direction of the voices. Raven stealthily crouches on her knees and starts removing her heels. She needs to get closer to them, without alerting them.

“I truly do not have any idea how she managed it. All I cared about was my money, and once I had it, I left without any further questions.” The other man replies.

With her clutch hanging on her shoulder with a help of the strap, her both heels hung on the tips of her fingers as she started tip-toeing to the entrance with her heart racing like she ran a marathon. She shouldn't get herself involved, but the name of the woman, that woman, forced her feets to walk ahead.

“Hmm… you've proved yourself Inutile.” The Italian man hums, nonchalantly.


Raven crept closer and closer to the open entrance, and a sound of heavy thud echoed, followed by a squelching sound. She almost stops in her stride, but continues despite her vacillation. The air picked a gust of wind, and she shivers.

Fuck, it felt so wrong to be here, and yet, she couldn't stop herself from moving forward. Maybe Felix has successfully made her lose her mind. This is the only acceptable reason she can think of why she was doing this right now.

Apparently, her calculation of distance proved wrong.

She meant to sneak a peek, but her body came into full view as she stepped outside of the entrance, exposing herself entirely. A handful of very, very tough and broad men immediately pointed guns at her.

But her musings were shaken by entirely different reasons, by an entirely different scene. The air stirs, and dread crawls up her skin as she observes the pool of blood on the ground, where the headless body of a large man had fallen. Heavy amounts of blood streamed out of his open neck and his head laid a few feet away.

Her heart had nearly stopped beating, and she swore her body felt more immobilized than a concrete statue as her eyes traveled up the sharp, bloodied metal blade of a sword. Standing right besides the severed head.

She looked up and up, a tatted, a tanned hand came into the view. Subsequently, long sleeves of a black shirt, and further up, a man’s back. He has his back facing to her, but she could tell by his stature, he was young.

But tall, and muscular as fuck.

It’s dark, and the few lamps placed around the parapets provides a little light. A shadow casts over his upper half. His silhouette gives away the moment he gave her a side glance without turning in her direction.

“Kill her.” He mutters. A red dot waving in the air in his face proximity, and soon after a cloud of smoke trails in the air.

Kill her? Raven knew she had to think something and think fast if she didn’t want this to be her last day. These men wouldn’t spare her unless she is of their use somehow.

“No. Wait. I-I know something.” Raven states breathlessly. Not wasting a second.

She does not understand how she managed to speak, maybe it was the flight or fight moment. She had to say something. Anything to save her dear life.

The man made no move, but she knew he was waiting for her to speak. To explain herself further.

“I-i,” shit. “Cordelia Frost is my mother.”

Those words, they weren't just words. They are her survival weapons. Sure, exposing it was a huge risk, but at least, she could bid some time with the truth if they decide to play the Question & Answer game with her. Maybe she could find a chance to run away before their bullet kisses her goodbye.

The man turned around, and strides a couple steps ahead in her direction. His expensive looking Oxford soaking in the blood on the ground. Her eyes were frozen on the gore in front of her. The disgusting sting of blood in the air, and the disgusting mess of flesh, and the cruel way the man probably severed the head with his sword, that just proves how strong he is.

She wants to bleach the memory out of her brain, but no matter how bad she wants that to happen, she will never forget the death. It will haunt her in her nightmares.

To not let the picture sink more into her memory, she force her eyes to look somewhere else. The men who are pointing guns at her are dressed in a pressed black suit with earpiece devices dangling on everyone's left ear. Bodyguards.

But one older man who stands in front of the mysterious Italian man is dressed in a much finer suit. He looks the oldest out of everyone present here. Salt and pepper hair, matching mutton chops beard. But he was holding a black jacket in his hands that undoubtedly wasn't his.

And then, her gaze travels on the mysterious man whose eyes couldn't stop burning on her skin.

She knew, she knew even the charming Lucifer, the fallen angel, envies this man for his alluring charisma.

The Lucifer's progeny.

Black eyes darker than a night sky, and bleak hair; a bewitching spell that is casted upon whoever looked into those orbs. To lure the people into his sins. Or, to lure the humans to commit sins for him.

Tanned glowing skin, high cheekbones, pointed brows and piercing jaw- so sharp that either side of his perfect lips, had deep dips. He didn't look unhealthy in any way, in fact, he screams luxury and wealth in the way he carries himself.

The face of an angel, but the soul of a devil. He entrances everything that breathes the same air as him. A cunning charm, carrying sins brazenly.

Wicked. Nefarious. Godly.

As if he ruled each particle in the air. As if he understood the hell itself kneaded before him.

His black eyes are sliced with striking intensity as he examined her. And she hadn't felt this frightful before, not even when she was at a gunpoint or when she saw a real dead body in front of her. His eyes on her skin alone eating and feeding on her soul.

Her teeths are sharp against the sensitive skin of her lips, and another wet bead forms between the slit of her chapped lips which she assumes was blood. She quickly wipes it off with a lick.

Prendila.” The sin of a man utters something ever so insouciant.

{Take her}

Two behemoths of guards stride towards her, she vacillates and takes steps back with her eyes bobbing back and forth between them with fear.

“W-wait, wait. What are you doing?” Raven panics. More tears accelerates down her cheeks, creating a black mess of her kajal and liner on her skin that was already residual from her earlier cries.

Each guard’s sharp hands ball around her arms from either side and they lift her faintly to drag her forward with them. Her body fights in their tight grips, out of pure adrenaline and withering consciousness. Her only reflex is to set herself free. She rebels in palpitating grace, resisting to accept their will, trying to twist her body in their hold but they are too strong.

“Free me!” She yells at the Italian man whose back is all she could see as he nonchalantly saunters towards the cars that are lined up in front of the end gate.

“Stay calm, principessa.” The Italian fucker’s voice is all she hears before something wet like a acidic cloth is pressed against her nostrils that causes her senses to shut down within no time.

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